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What kind of personal information do we collect?

In accordance with the Privacy Act, ‘personal information’ means any information by which an individual could be identified. The personal information collected by AMOS varies according to the circumstances in which the personal information is collected.

This may include, but is not limited to, the collection of the following information:

  • First name, surname, preferred name, pseudonym, post-nominal, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, gender, qualification details, education and academic history, work experience and skills, occupation, employer details, awards received and areas of interest;
  • Membership information relating to groups within AMOS including: National Council; Regional Centres; Registers; and Special Interest Groups;
  • Financial details including credit card numbers, bank account information, financial status of membership and subscriptions to publications owned or controlled by AMOS;
  • Relevant details required to nominate members and projects for honours and awards;
  • Details of persons who participate in sponsored seminars, conferences or other activities or events and programs which are run or managed by AMOS;
  • The IP address and time stamp of any visit to the AMOS websites, as well as demographic and technology data related to the use of those websites;
  • Contact information in relation to attendance at AMOS (or affiliate) events or activities; and
  • Competition entry information including: artwork and video materials.

How do we collect personal information

AMOS collects the personal information of members and non-members through:

  • The use of, and interaction with, the information and services provided on the AMOS websites including the authenticated self-service portal environment, linked applications and digital services including online enquiry, feedback or other forms;
  • The use of, and interaction with, the information and services provided on AMOS campaigns, competitions, events, initiatives or other applications, websites and digital services including online enquiry, feedback or other forms;
  • Interaction and enquiries generated through our social media channels which include Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter;
  • Applications for AMOS membership, skills or qualification assessment, or other membership maintenance or payment transaction;
  • Applications for society membership, or maintenance or payment transactions;
  • Enrolment, registration or attendance at conferences, events or other Continuing Professional Development sessions;
  • Nominations for awards or standing for a position on Executive Committee, Council, Committees etc;
  • Inclusion on any National Registers owned or administered by AMOS;
  • The provision of customer service and support by telephone, email, or written correspondence;
  • Complaints made against AMOS;
  • Requests for follow-up information, requests to join a mailing list or to be contacted for further information about AMOS products or services;
  • Responses to surveys or research conducted by AMOS or by third party providers on AMOS’s behalf; and
  • The process of developing a feature news story for a magazine, electronic newsletter, event promotion or online newsroom or other AMOS website
  • Applications for employment with AMOS.

How do we use personal information?

AMOS will use personal information to provide a particular product or service and to contact members and non-members about matters pertaining to membership, membership enquiries or enquiries about other AMOS products, events, activities and services. This includes (but is not limited to) the following:

  • Assessing membership applications;
  • Providing general membership support and for processing payments;
  • Making decisions relating to nomination or election to a position on the Council, Committees or other constituent groups;
  • Providing membership services such as magazines, electronic newsletters, event alerts and other member benefits;
  • Sending marketing and promotion material or electronic communications for products, services, activities or events which members and non-members have requested to receive;
  • Invitations to partake in activities, events, professional development activities and networking activities;
  • Contacting Council and committee members to distribute business papers; and
  • Distributing publications owned or operated by AMOS.

We may use personal information for purposes related or ancillary to the main reason we collect it, such as:

  • Internal accounting and administration;
  • Regulatory reporting and compliance;
  • Providing benefits to members through commercial partners; and
  • Identifying other services that may be of benefit to members (subject to members being able to opt-out of receiving any further such communication).
  • When a person becomes a member of AMOS, certain personal information must be collected in order to verify the person’s identity for membership status, verify and ascertain their appropriate membership category, status and interest group.
  • In accordance with clause 5 of the current AMOS Rules of Association, AMOS may provide certain personal information about members for inspection at the request of any member. The personal information which may be provided about members without seeking any additional consent from that member includes the following:
    1. Full name;
    2. address;
    3. date of entry of member;
  • In the event of a complaint made against a member, we use the personal information provided to investigate the complaint in accordance with Clause 7 of the current AMOS Rules of Association.

Social Media

AMOS holds a number of social media accounts on platforms which include Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.  AMOS is bound by the privacy policies of the various social media platforms and does not use those platforms to gather personal information for use in other forms.

Where the content on any of our social media accounts is deemed to be in breach of our Privacy Policy, we will take prompt action to address the situation with the person directly or by removing the offending material.

Direct Marketing

AMOS will use personal information for the purposes of direct marketing where we have obtained express consent to do so. We are not permitted to send Direct Marketing communications unless we have your consent and we are required to comply with specific privacy legislation including the Spam Act 2003 (Cth) and the Do Not Call Register Act 2006 (Cth).

Where consent has been provided to use personal information, that consent will remain current until we are advised otherwise. Opting out of these communications can be facilitated by updating communications preferences online or by informing AMOS by email or telephone.

We collect and store data about traffic on our website to gain information on, for example, the most visited web pages or the most common searches done by members. This information is then used to determine what information, services and benefits are likely to be of most interest to members in direct marketing.

Disclose of personal information to third party

AMOS shares Personal Information with certain companies that perform services on our behalf. We only share the Personal Information which is necessary for them to perform those services. We require any company with which we may share Personal Information to protect that data in a manner consistent with this policy and to limit the use of such Personal Information to the performance of services for AMOS.

AMOS uses eWAY credit card processing companies to bill for our memberships, goods and services. To the best of our knowledge, these companies do not retain, share, store or use personally identifiable information for any other purpose.

AMOS uses Mailchimp for the purposes for emailing members and non-member subscribed to our mailing lists. Members opt-in to receiving emails by becoming members of AMOS or subscribing to mailing lists when attending events or activities.

AMOS includes the disclosure of names and addresses for the purpose of communicating electronically information of relevance to the recipient. Subscribers can, at any time, opt out of receiving any material. Opting-out of these communications can be facilitated by informing AMOS by email or telephone that they no longer wish to receive this publication.

AMOS uses Xero Accounting Software for the accounting purposes and to email
invoices and receipts.

AMOS uses WordPress and CiviCRM software to manage its membership and contact database. The personal information of members is stored electronically and accessible by members with a secure login on the AMOS website maintained on WordPress.

AMOS may disclose personal information to third party conference and event’s organisers for specific functions and activities. AMOS may also provide names and addresses to a third party to print renewal invoices, membership cards, arrears notices, and conference information.

As a not-for-profit organisation, AMOS will enter into sponsorship and commercial benefit partnership arrangements with third parties from time to time. When we enter into a sponsorship agreement or commercial partnership, we may use personal information to provide members with information about products, services and promotions offered by our sponsors or benefit partners. We will never knowingly provide personal information to third parties without consent and will never sell contact details for commercial benefit.

AMOS does not sell or otherwise provide Personal Information to other companies for the marketing of their own products or services and we prohibit the third parties from using personal information about members except for the specific purpose for which we supply it to be used on our behalf.

AMOS makes certain registers and lists publicly available. This includes the National Council and names of office bearers, various committees and special interest groups. The disclosure is usually limited to names and post-nominals but may, where appropriate and with consent, include contact details.

Accuracy of personal information

AMOS undertakes to do all things necessary to ensure that stored personal
information is accurate, complete and up to date. We request members to update records whenever possible.

Security of personal information

AMOS has measures in place to protect personal information from misuse and loss.  The steps we take to ensure protection include the use of firewalls, encryption, secure login and password protection. In addition, access is restricted to authorised personnel.

AMOS will keep personal information for as long as it is needed to provide members with products and services. We will take reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify personal information when no longer needed or as requested unless we have a legal obligation to process this information. AMOS can provide subscribers their own personal data in a structured, commonly-used, form on request.


If there is a complaint about the way AMOS has collected, stored or used personal information, a complaint should be made to the Executive Officer, AMOS at

Our Executive Officer will endeavour to deal with the complaint and take any steps to resolve the complaint within two weeks of receiving the complaint. If the complaint cannot be resolved within that period we will write to the complainant setting out the status of the complaint, any further steps needed to be taken and an estimated length of time required to resolve the complaint. We will inform the complainant whether it is considered that any breach of the Privacy Act has occurred and, if so, the steps being taken to rectify the situation.

If, after giving AMOS a reasonable opportunity to resolve the complaint, there is no resolution, the matter can be progressed to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

Complaints should be forwarded to:
The Executive Officer
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
6/416 Gore Street

A written complaint must include a return address and identify the conduct that is the basis for the complaint. There are no fees for lodging a complaint.

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