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AMOS Awards – Extension of deadline to 1 October 2020

Please consider nominating a colleague for one of the following Awards, which recognise excellence in the AMOS fields:

  • Meyers Medal: High-quality and innovative contributions by young researchers in the early stages of their academic career to the sciences covered by AMOS.
  • Morton Medal: Leadership in meteorology, oceanography and/or related fields, with particular emphasis on education and development of young scientists, and personal example in research.
  • Gibbs Medal: Long-term contribution to operational forecasting services.
  • AMOS Science Outreach Award: Engagement with the public, politicians, schools, businesses and communities, to educate and inform those groups on topics associated with AMOS themes.

Please click on the above Awards for more details. Deadline has been extended until 1 October 2020 for all Awards.

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