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AMOS 2020 – Call for Abstracts
Submissions open until 11:00pm AEST, Sunday 22 September 2019
Australian Meteorological & Oceanographic Society Annual Meeting and the International Conference on Indian Ocean Meteorology and Oceanography (AMOS 2020)
Fremantle, WA – 10-14 February 2020
On behalf of the Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, the AMOS 2020 Organising Committee invites you to submit an abstract for presentation at AMOS 2020, to be held at the Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle from 10-14 February 2020.
Abstracts for oral and poster presentations must be submitted via the AMOS 2020 submission site.
Abstracts will be reviewed for technical content and selection purposes. Email all enquiries regarding abstracts to the Conference Secretariat.
Abstracts and presenter details will be published in the conference digital proceedings (abstract book and app) and circulated to all conference attendees.
Abstracts should be submitted under one of thematic sessions. Click for the simple session list or detailed session list.
Presentation format
Abstracts should be submitted for the following presentation types:
- Oral
- Poster display
The type of presentation offered will rest with the Program Committee and their decision will be final.
A $35 non-refundable submission fee applies to each abstract. This fee must be paid with 48 hours of the submission deadline or the abstract will not be considered for AMOS 2020.
How to pay
An ELECTRONIC INVOICE will be forwarded after submission.
CLICK on the “PAY NOW” button on the emailed ELECTRONIC INVOICE. The payment can be made via the AMOS Ezidebit system.
See the direct deposit information on the electronic invoice. Please include the invoice number and name of submitter on the direct deposit as a reference.
All abstracts must be submitted via the website online by 11:00pm AEST Sunday, 22 September 2019. Note this deadline will NOT BE EXTENDED. Please plan your timetable for preparation and submission carefully.
Submit an abstract
Click here and follow the instructions
Need assistance?
If you require any further information, or assistance, please contact Thomas Kavanagh at or visit hope to see you in Fremantle!
Kind regards
The AMOS 2020 Conference Committee
