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AGU Fall Meeting 2019 – The global water cycle: coupling and exchanges between the ocean, land, and atmosphere session

The conference runs Monday to Friday 9-13 December 2019, San Francisco, California, USA.

Session Description:

This session highlights water cycle research that describes the linkages between the ocean, atmosphere, and land hydrology. Contributions are invited on all aspects of water cycle research including analyses undertaken using in situ and spaceborne observations from current (e.g., SMAP, SMOS, GRACE-FO, GPM, GCOM-W), past (e.g., Aquarius, TRMM, GRACE), and future (e.g., SWOT, CIMR) satellite missions, estimates based on numerical models, data assimilation systems, as well as climate model projections and theoretical contributions. We particularly welcome studies that consider multiple realms (the ocean, atmosphere, land surface and subsurface), and provide compelling evidence for linkages between these, describing coherent water cycle variability and change. We welcome global and regional assessments across these interfaces, and contributions that demonstrate what needs to be observed to ensure that long-term changes in the water cycle are accurately quantified.

This session highlights water cycle research that describes the linkages between the ocean, atmosphere, and land hydrology. Contributions are invited on all aspects of water cycle research including analyses undertaken using in situ and spaceborne observations from current (e.g., SMAP, SMOS, GRACE-FO, GPM, GCOM-W), past (e.g., Aquarius, TRMM, GRACE), and future (e.g., SWOT, CIMR) satellite missions, estimates based on numerical models, data assimilation systems, as well as climate model projections and theoretical contributions. We particularly welcome studies that consider multiple realms (the ocean, atmosphere, land surface and subsurface), and provide compelling evidence for linkages between these, describing coherent water cycle variability and change. We welcome global and regional assessments across these interfaces, and contributions that demonstrate what needs to be observed to ensure that long-term changes in the water cycle are accurately quantified.

For more information on the session, visit:

The abstract submission deadline is Wednesday 31st July 2019. For instructions and abstract submissions:

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