Biennial award for long-term contribution to operational frontline services
In recognition of the way WJ (Bill) Gibbs shaped and transformed operational meteorology in the Bureau of Meteorology in the 1960s and 1970s this award is aimed at those who have worked as operational forecasters in weather forecasting, oceanography or in any of the sciences represented by AMOS, and who have worked mostly in Australia. It focuses on outstanding and consistent service to operational forecasting over many years, covering service provision, communication, improvements to services through engagement with working groups, and excellent provision of forecasts with a demonstrable beneficial community impact during a number of major weather events. The award recognises a very high standard of work in operational forecasting over many years along with promotion and engagement with new methods and tools as they are introduced into operational meteorology, oceanography or any of the sciences represented by AMOS. Evidence of work undertaken while not on operational duty will be taken into consideration (for example, if their organisation has supported the forecaster’s work by giving them ‘release time’ from operational duties, this reflects well on the organisation and does not disqualify the forecaster).
The Gibbs Medal is given every even year, alternating with the Christopher Taylor Award.
The award comprises a medal.
The successful applicant will have worked for a significant part of their working life in operations in Australia.
Nomination process
Any AMOS member may make a nomination. The nomination package must include:
- A nomination letter of no more than 2 pages addressing the selection criteria
- An accompanying brief CV of the nominee of no more than 2 pages
- Up to three letters of support addressing the selection criteria, each no longer than 2 pages
The total maximum length of the nomination package should not exceed 10 pages. Nominations should not include separate publication lists or copies of published papers. Nominators should be aware of the AMOS Code of Conduct, which promotes diversity of membership and discipline when making nominations. The Award Sub-Committee has limited ability to seek additional information and therefore nomination documents must be complete and provide a full and fair account of each candidate.
Selection criteria
- A long-term commitment to the provision of operational forecasting services in the sciences covered by AMOS to the community at a consistently high standard over many years. Examples of this service are the provision and communication of forecasts and warnings for the public and emergency services. (the selection committee would be looking for written evidence from peers and supervisors attesting to the high standard of operation work).
- Evidence of contributions to the development and evolution of service provision and communication, reflecting interest and excellence in developing services while working in a forecasting position. Examples of this include improvements made to the forecasting process through working with developers, scientists and communicators, and/or improvements to a service or services achieved through working in consultation with user groups.
- Evidence of outstanding services that have demonstrably mitigated the impact of severe weather during a number of major weather events such as tropical cyclones, bushfires or storms over the high seas.
- Evidence of readiness to participate in the transformation or modernisation of operations through collaboration and promotion of new methods and tools that are introduced into operations.
- Evidence of service to the promotion of the AMOS mission. Examples include a period of service on AMOS Council as a Member or Office Bearer, service on and promotion of AMOS through Centre Committees and Centre activities, contribution to AMOS activities including organisation of the National Conferences, editorial support for the Society’s journal, preparation of AMOS position papers for public or political dissemination or outreach, etc.
All criteria should be addressed in the nominations.
2015 – John James, Bureau of Meteorology
2016 – Jeff Callaghan, Bureau of Meteorology
2018 – Mike Pook, Retired
2020 – Philip King, Bureau of Meteorology
2022 – Andrew Watkins, Bureau of Meteorology
2024 – Mary Voice
Awards sub-committee
Andrew Watkins (Chair)
Nicholas Loveday
Gab Woodhouse
Adam Morgan