Biennial award for excellence in meteorological or oceanographic research by a mid-career scientist
Charles Henry Brian (Bill) Priestley was a researcher of the highest order, as well as being a dominant influence on the organisation of meteorological research in Australia, and a motivating force for research by others. The Priestley Medal commemorates the life-long contributions of Bill Priestley to meteorological and oceanographic research. It is aimed at scientists in their mid-careers no more than 15 years from completion of their highest degree (allowing for professional or personal career interruptions) for personal excellence in meteorological, oceanographic or climate research carried out substantially within Australia.
Read more about Bill Priestley.
The Priestley Medal is given every odd year.
The award comprises a medal.
At the time of nomination the nominee should be no more than 15 years from completion of their highest degree, allowing for professional or personal career interruptions. The nominee’s research should have been carried out substantially in Australia.
Nomination process
Any AMOS member may make a nomination. Self-nominations are not accepted. The nomination package must include:
- A nomination letter of no more than 2 pages addressing the selection criteria
- An accompanying brief CV of the nominee of no more than 2 pages
- Up to three letters of support addressing the selection criteria, each no longer than 2 pages
- A publication list in which the more significant contributions are identified with brief notes written on no more than five of the most important ones. Where there are multiple authors to these five the role of the candidate should be explained.
- An optional career interruption statement of maximum 200 words, including but not limited to parental leave, caring responsibilities, non-research positions, sick leave and part time employment. Include the total duration of FTE (full time equivalent) employment since PhD conferral.
Nominations should not include copies of published papers. Nominators should be aware of the AMOS Code of Conduct, which promotes diversity of membership and discipline when making nominations. The Award Sub-Committee has limited ability to seek additional information and therefore nomination documents must be complete and provide a full and fair account of each candidate.
Selection criteria
- Evidence of achievements in research which have made a strong contribution to the understanding of the science in the published literature. Attention should be given to contribution to scientific understanding ahead of publication metrics, where possible.
- Evidence that the candidate has conducted transformative research and/or contributed strongly to the initiation of new fields. Emphasis here is on original thinking, novel technique development, or significant problem reframing that has significantly improved scientific understanding.
- Evidence of service to the promotion of the AMOS mission and the Australian research community. Examples include, but are not limited to: service on AMOS committees, contributions to AMOS activities, public engagement and outreach, research mentoring and leadership, and model development relevant to climate and weather research.
All criteria should be addressed in the nominations.
1983– N.E. Davidson and B.J. McAvaney, Bureau of Meteorology
1985 – R.H. Clarke, The University of Melbourne
1987 – Neville Nicholls, Bureau of Meteorology
1989 – Roger L. Hughes
1991 – Ross Griffiths, ANU
1993 – Roger Smith, Monash University
1995 – Gregory Ayers, CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
1997 – Peter Baines, CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
1999 – Stephen Rintoul, CSIRO Marine Research
2001 – Peter Rayner, CSIRO Atmospheric Research
2003 – Andy Pitman, Macquarie University
2005 – Matthew England, The University of New South Wales
2007 – Amanda Lynch, Monash University
2009 – Susan Wijffels, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research
2011 – Lisa Alexander, The University of New South Wales
2013 – Matthew Wheeler, Bureau of Meteorology
2015 – Andy Hogg, Australian National University
2017 – Julie Arblaster, Monash University
2017 – Jason Evans, The University of New South Wales
2019 – Nerilie Abram, Australian National University
2021 – Shayne McGregor, Monash University
2023 – Andrew King, University of Melbourne
Award sub-committee
Adele Morrison (Chair)
Ariaan Purich
Gab Abramowitz
Zoe Loh