AMOS Annual General Meeting 2025
AMOS Annual General Meeting for 2025 will be held via Zoom on 11 February, at 12:00pm-1:00pm.
Please join us to hear about the activities of the Society over the past twelve months.
We hope you can join us!
If you require a proxy form, please email
Welcome and & Acknowledgement of Country
1. Approval of previous minutes (click here to download)
2. President’s report (click here to download)
3. Treasurer’s report (click here to download)
4. Centre and Committee Reports
5. Elections to Council
- Secretary (2 year term) – Nomination Ben Hague
6. Other Business
6.1 Rule Changes – Special Resolutions
Special Resolution 1: Adding mere conduit reference to clause 1.5 as ACNC requirements. Therefore, amended clause will read as follows:
1.5. Any allocation of funds or property to other persons or organisations will be made in accordance with the established purposes of the Society and not be influenced by the preference of any donor. The organisation will not pass a donation of money or property to other organisations, bodies or persons as a condition of a donation.
Special Resolution 2: Under Rule 2. Interpretation, subclause 2.1, we need to correct the rule number under the definition of Public Fund as it is currently showing 0. Therefore, the amended definition will read as follows:
“Public Fund” means the fund or account established under clause 1.6.
Special Resolution 3: Winding up of Public Fund – Combining clauses for clarity. Delete Rule 52 and add the text to clause 48.2. Therefore, amended clause will read as follows:
48.2 In the event of the winding up of the Society or the Public Fund, or the revocation of endorsement as a deductible gift recipient, any surplus assets of the Public Fund will be distributed to another fund with similar objectives that is on the Register of Environmental Organisations.
Statistical Information will now become Rule 52 and its subclauses need to reflect this change of numbering.
Special Resolution 4:
Changing the following to clauses to remove gendered language.
“3.3 An honorary member remains a member of the Society for life, unless they resign in accordance with Rule 6.”
“6.1. A member ceases to be a member of the Society if they:
(a) die;
(b) resign in accordance with Clauses 6.2 and 6.3;
(c) allow their membership to lapse under Clause 4.2; or
(d) are expelled from the Society under Rule 7.”