AMOS is delighted to announce the award recipients for 2024 as detailed below. We would…
Congratulations to our new AMOS Fellows!
AMOS is very pleased to announce that Associate Professor Lisa Alexander and Dr Rachel Law have been elected as Fellows of AMOS. We extend our congratulations and best wishes to our new Fellows whose outstanding achievements have earned them this distinction. Brief summaries of their careers and contributions are given below.
Associate Professor Lisa Alexander
Lisa Alexander is a senior researcher with the Climate Change Research Centre at the University of New South Wales since 2009. Lisa’s early career research at the Met Office Hadley Centre concentrated on understanding the variability and driving mechanisms of climate extremes. Her primary work is improving understanding of observed changes in these events using multiple research tools ranging from station observations to climate model output. She pioneered approaches for quantifying variations in extreme daily temperature and rainfall through the development of global datasets that form the basis for analyses of changes in temperature and rainfall extremes in many parts of the world. Her work has contributed to a better understanding of processes important for the occurrence of temperature and rainfall extremes, and rigorous evaluation of model simulations of extremes and their likely changes in the future. Lisa is internationally recognised as one of Australia’s leading contributors to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and a member of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) Joint Scientific Committee. She is also the co-lead of the WCRP Grand Challenge on Extremes and chairs the WMO Expert Team on Sector-specific Climate Indices. Lisa is the chief editor of Weather and Climate Extremes and has supervised several students and post-docs.
Dr Rachel Law
Dr Rachel Law has had a distinguished 25-year career in CSIRO as an international leader in modelling the carbon cycle and interpreting greenhouse gas measurements to better quantify carbon emissions in the context of managing climate change. Her research on blending Earth System Model simulations with greenhouse gas observations to quantify and reduce the uncertainty in regional and global carbon budgets – especially greenhouse gas emissions – has had high impact and been influential in ongoing discussions around greenhouse gas monitoring, reporting and verification. Serving as “CABLE Coordinator” from 2012 – 2017 Rachel united the land surface model development and user community across Australia to take a coordinated and strategic approach to developing CABLE as Australia’s community land surface model – for use in ecology, resource management and coupled climate and Earth System model simulations. Rachel has made seminal contributions to national priorities in Earth system modelling capability through her leadership of CSIRO’s ACCESS group and the national weather, climate and Earth System model development effort. She helped deliver the first Australian model with an interactive carbon cycle, contributing an ACCESS ESM series of simulations into CMIP6, and then the IPCC AR6. Rachel is also a passionate advocate for STEM, dedicated considerable time and energy to supporting early career researchers.
Kind regards,
AMOS Council